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Tired of feeling like investing in real estate is out of reach?


It's possible to start wholesaling real estate in as little as 30 days by committing to only 30 mins per day.




Does any of this sound familiar?


  • You've wanted to start real estate investing but feel overwhelmed by all the resources


  • With a full time job and full time family you feel like you don't have the time you need to commit to learning about investing in real estate


  • You see mostly white dudes who don't have the same demands as you teaching courses and using sports metaphors (eye roll) that are hard for you to relate to. 


  • You watch Youtube and listen to podcasts but don't really know what steps to take or what to do if you have a question


  • Fear and overthinking paralyze you


  • There is alot of legal shit you feel like you should probably know before getting started


Gold Texture Smear
If any of these statements have you thinking "Oh my ,
I feel like she's speaking directly to me!" then keep
reading. You're in the right place, my friend

Introducing 30 Days to Your First Wholesale Deal course.


Join our exclusive beta program and be the first to experience it! In just 30 minutes a day for 30 days, master market selection, property discovery, seller negotiation, and contract flipping like a pro.


Our simple day-by-day plan, scripts, and tools empower you to secure that first deal FAST. So let's stop dreaming and start DOING - your first deal is just 30 days away!

Coffee on Desk

30 Days of Action

We've curated a step-by-step roadmap that will guide you through daily actions, ensuring you stay on track towards your first successful real estate deal.

Learn the Tools and Strategies

Gain access to insider tips and tricks that industry professionals use to identify lucrative opportunities, analyze market trends, and maximize profits.

Only Commit to 30 Minutes a Day

Say goodbye to overwhelming commitments! With our course, all you need is half an hour each day to start gaining valuable experience in wholesaling real estate.

2 Support Calls To Our Team

You’ll get stuck along the way, don’t worry your course includes two 30 min one on one support calls with us to help make sure your questions get answered and you are on your way to your first deal

First beta students get special rate of $399 (normally $699)

 You'll gain access to all this invaluable knowledge and support. Imagine what you could achieve with the power of real estate investing at your fingertips, even with limited time available!


Don't let your dreams of financial independence take a backseat any longer. Join our beta program, presale for 30 Days to Your First Wholesale Deal course, starting on January 1, 2023. Take that crucial first step towards your real estate success story today!


My name is Lindsay Sharma

 a real estate investor, wife and mom of 3 little ones. My days start with a hot cup of coffee and end with true crime shows. In between, I'm creating real estate deals that pave the path to financial success.

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What's included in the course


Decide on a market

Discover the art of selecting a kick-ass market for your wholesale ventures – one that's just right, not too intimidating or downright puny, with rent-to-purchase ratios that make sense, duh!


Create your buyers list

Learn proven techniques for locating qualified buyers who are thirsty for deals like the ones you’ll be slingin’ them.


Generate a motivated sellers list

Find sources for generating laser-focused lists of motivated sellers. And hey, we'll throw in some tips on keeping it organized, because let's face it, we all have that one closet in our house. The one full of willy-nilly things, we don't even wanna talk about it! Learn how to skip trace those bad boys so you can get the sellers on the horn.


Build relationships with sellers

Gain confidence in talking to sellers without seeming too creepy. Be yourself, and get the information you need about the property and situation.


Practice the script

Feel like less of a noob with a tried-and-tested script that will make conversations with sellers much less awkward. Prepare yourself, there are some definite weirdos out there you will have the pleasure of meeting in your deal searching process.


Run the Comps

Analyze comparable properties to suss out their market value. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be equipped to make informed offers and lock down your first deal.


Make an offer

Generate an offer and get that contract signed! It's gonna be a game-changer, my friend!


Open escrow

Find an investor friendly title company in your chosen market and begin the title search. Discover common title issues and what you can do about them.


Marketing to buyers and closing the sale

Market your property to find buyers for your deal. Get the sale contract signed and sent to the title company and get that money! You did it, we knew you would!

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